GCP Short: Transit Insurance Group’s 20-year captive journey

In this GCP Short, produced in partnership with the State of Vermont, Richard is joined by Barbara Rhoades, CEO of ⁠Ohio Transit Risk Pool and a board member of Transit Re, and Sandy Bigglestone, Deputy Commissioner of Captive Insurance in the State of Vermont.

Vermont's risk-focused approach to captive insurance regulation

In this episode of the IRMI Podcast, Joel Appelbaum sits down with Sandy Bigglestone, deputy commissioner of captive insurance, and Dan Petterson, director of financial examinations, from the Vermont Department of Financial Regulation. The conversation dives into Vermont’s innovative, risk-focused approach to captive insurance regulation. Sandy and Dan share how their team conducts personalized, in-depth reviews for each domiciled company, engaging directly with executives to understand their strategies and ensure their success. This hands-on approach not only boosts Vermont’s regulatory efficiency but also offers crucial insights for business plan changes, making it a model for effective regulation in the industry.

GCP Short: edRISK launches property, liability programs

In this GCP Short, Richard welcomes Tracy Hassett, president and CEO of edRISK, back onto the podcast.

⁠edRISK⁠ is a sponsored captive owner in Vermont which serves its educational institution members on a growing range of business insurance lines.

Originally formed as a group captive to support its members in reducing health insurance costs, on 1 June it went live with two new programs for property and general liability and educators legal liability.

GCP #100: Sandy Bigglestone, Heather McClure and Dan Towle

In episode 100 of the Global Captive Podcast, supported by the ⁠EY Global Captive Network⁠, Richard brings the first installment of interviews recorded at the CICA International Conference that took place in Scottsdale, Arizona from March 10-12.

02.16 – 17.12: Sandy Bigglestone, Vermont’s Deputy Commissioner for Captive Insurance, discusses the latest captive activity in the State, how 2024 has started and the proposed changes to Vermont’s captive legislation.

GCP Short: Butler re-domesticates student run captive to Vermont

In this GCP Short, produced in partnership with Hylant Global Captive Solutions, Richard brings news of the latest chapter in Butler University’s student-run captive insurance company. In November last year, the pure captive was re-domiciled to Vermont and transformed into a cell captive as Butler prepares to collaborate with other public educational institutions.

GCP Short: The John Deere captive, evolution and future

In this GCP Short, Richard has another interesting, and high profile, captive case study, as listeners hear from the John Deere captive team. The manufacturing and agricultural equipment giant has owned a captive in Vermont since 2004.

GCP Short: Topco's cell company formation in Vermont

In this GCP Short, Richard is joined by Hylant’s Anne Marie Towle and Adam Miholic, who discuss with Adam Binder, Category Director for the Indirect Spend Program at Topco Associates, LLC, how and why the company formed a sponsored captive in Vermont in November 2022.

GCP #91: USA Hockey, the QBE PCC and more interviews from VCIA 2023

In episode 91 of the Global Captive Podcast, Richard shares five short interviews he recorded at the VCIA annual conference in Burlington, Vermont earlier this month, including an interview with the CFO of USA Hockey, an organization with a Vermont captive.

GCP #90: Regulator Jim Devoe-Talluto, LCSWMA CFO Dan Youngs and Vermont's Jenni Gagnon & Danielle Brown

Exciting News from Episode 90 of the Global Captive Podcast! Tune in to interviews from the 2023 VCIA Annual Conference. Join Richard as he chats with Jim DeVoe-Talluto on Captive Insurance regulation, Dan Youngs from LCSWMA discussing their captive journey, and Jennifer Gagnon + Danielle Brown on the new Vermont Captive Insurance Emerging Leaders initiative. Listen now!

GCP Short: The CBIZ captive formation in Vermont

In this GCP Short, produced in partnership with the State of Vermont, Richard is joined by Sandy Bigglestone, Vermont’s Deputy Commissioner for Captive Insurance, and Kristen Peed, Director of Corporate Risk Management at professional services firm CBIZ.

GCP Short: A Vermont cell captive for senior living clients

In this GCP Short, produced in partnership with the State of Vermont, Richard is joined by Christine Brown, now Vermont’s Director of Captive Insurance, as well as Jonathan Seymour and Marty Butler – both of Marsh & McLennan Agency.

GCP #72: Dave Provost and Christine Brown discuss D&O coverage in a captive

We hear from Vermont regulators David Provost and Christine Brown and South Carolina’s Joe McDonald on their views on Side A D&O going into captives.

Choosing the right Domicile for Captive Insurance with Brittany Nevins

In this episode you will hear Brittany’s insights on captive insurance and Vermont as a leading domicile state. We also talk about what captive insurance is, its advantages and the importance of choosing the right domicile for your business.

GCP #71: Exit interview with David Provost

In episode 71 of the Global Captive Podcast, supported by legacy specialists R&Q, Richard conducts an exclusive ‘exit interview’ with Vermont’s outgoing Deputy Commissioner of Captive Insurance David Provost.

GCP Short: David Provost, Sandy Bigglestone and succession planning in Vermont

In this 20 minute episode, Dave, Sandy and Richard focus on the topics of succession planning, the direction of captive insurance and Sandy’s own priorities when she takes the reins at the end of the summer.

GCP #64: Brittany Nevins and Kevin Mead, introduce themselves to listeners for the first time

Co-hosted by Anne Marie Towle, Global Captive Solutions Leader at Hylant and Kristen Peed, Director of Corporate Risk Management at CBIZ, This episode includes discussion on the captive practice’s expansion over the past two years and expansion into Europe as well as why the professional services firm has embarked on a captive formation feasibility study. Brittany Nevins, and Kevin Mead, will introduce themselves to listeners for the first time.

GCP Short: Kajima USA's captive formation in Vermont

Sandy Bigglestone, Director of Captive Insurance in Vermont, also outlines the scale of formation activity taking place in the state this year, and updates listeners on license numbers.

GCP Short: A waste disposal captive and new formations in Vermont

In this GCP Short, produced in collaboration with Friends of the Podcast the State of Vermont, Richard is joined by Sandy Bigglestone, Director of Captive Insurance at the State, and others to discuss the recent surge in formation activity.


In this episode of Vermont Viewpoint, listen to Vermont’s Deputy Commissioner, David Provost, sit down with host Ric Cengeri to discuss how Vermont’s captive insurance industry works and why it has been so important to the state for the last 40 years. Dave’s interview starts at 23:05.

Captive formation and the respective roles of the regulator and captive manager.

In this GCP Short, produced in collaboration with the State of Vermont, you will hear all about what goes into the captive formation process and the respective roles of the regulator and captive manager.

Vermont’s Dan Petterson co-hosts Global Captive Podcast #41

Dan discusses what goes into captive examinations, why Vermont chooses to do it in-house and the reasons why they can go wrong.

The how's and why's of capital extraction from the captive.

Pete Kranz and David Provost, Deputy Commissioner of the Captive Insurance Division at the State of Vermont, outline what some of the options are when extracting capital from the captive, and highlight the important regulatory considerations.

The impact on captive boards, economic substance and tax considerations

Sandy Bigglestone, provide insight on Vermont’s approach and implications for captive boards as global travel is restricted and what that might mean with regards to economic substance and tax requirements.

GCP #13: Dan Towle, Jan Klodowski and the VCIA Hot Topics panel

Episode 13 was recorded from the Vermont Captive Insurance Association (VCIA) with guest co-host Dan Towle, President of the Captive Insurance Companies Association (CICA). The discussion on big ticket items was joined by Vermont regulators David Provost and Sandy Bigglestone, Jim Swanke, of Willis Towers Watson, Joshua Reding, Senior Director of Risk Management at Life Time, Inc, and Captive Review’s Nick Morgan.

GCP #4: Oliver Schofield, Heather McClure, the State of Vermont and VCIA

Heather McClure, of the University of Oklahoma discussed the development of its Vermont captive, while Vermont regulators David Provost and Sandy Bigglestone sat down with VCIA’s Rich Smith and Ian Davis, Director of Financial Services at the State of Vermont, to discuss the jurisdiction’s 2018 and priorities for 2019.

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